Reference Recipe

Reference Recipe

From around 4 until 6 months

Broccoli and potato puree

• 60 Broccoli chopped + 80g Potato chopped + 5g olive oil

Steam the broccoli and potato until cooked, and then add olive oil to blend be puree. Put the puree in the mold and freeze it.

From around 6 until 7 months

Creamy butternut squash puree

• 200g butternut squash, chopped + 1 tbsp full-fat plain yogurt

Steam the chopped butternut squash, then cool it and blend to a puree consistency

From around 7+ months

Fish dinner

• 25g cooked white fish (fillet) + 1 tbsp cooked carrots + 1 tbsp boiled potato + 1 tbsp milk + Small knob of butter

Dice the carrots and potato and steam. Poach the fish in a little milk or water until cooked. Drain and cool all ingredients. then blend it to puree.

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